- Skilled Worker with Family Support
- Skilled Worker with Employer Support
Skilled Worker with Family Support (no job offer required)
Family Supporter Requirements:
- He/she must be a close relative of the applicant.
- The applicant must be a non-dependent child, brother, sister, niece, nephew or grandchild of the Family Supporter.
- The family supporter must a permanent resident of Canada and must be living only in New Brunswick all the time.
- Should have been employed in New Brunswick for at least 12 months when the applicant puts his application.
- Should be financially sound.
- Must be willing to participate in an interview with an official from the Population Growth Division.
- He/she must help the applicant with the settlement plan, providing monetary help if needed.
- He/she must not support more than one applicant at a time.
Applicant Requirements:
- Aged between 22 and 50 years.
- A close relative of the Family Supporter.
- Have absolute intentions of living and working in New Brunswick.
- Have sufficient resources in terms of funds to settle in New Brunswick.
- A minimum of $10,000 CAD, and an additional $2,000 for each accompanying family member.
- Have at least two years of continuous, full-time work experience in their intended occupation in New Brunswick, within the last five years.
Language Requirements:
Scores from an approved English or French language test must be provided as proof of possession of sufficient English or French language abilities to fulfill their job duties.
Education Requirements:
Necessary education to be able to successfully perform the intended job in New Brunswick.
Job Requirements:
Job must fall in any one of the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill levels:
Skill levels O, A or B
Skill level C, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9
Skill level D, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9
Skilled Worker with Employer Support
Job Requirements:
Job must be permanent, requiring full-time work and must be offered by a New Brunswick employer.
Applicant Requirements:
- Aged between 22 and 55 years.
- Having the ability to present the necessary licenses or certification needed to work in New Brunswick.
Language Requirements:
Scores from an approved English or French language test must be provided as proof of possession of sufficient English or French language abilities to fulfill their job duties.
Employer Requirements:
- The employer must be operating in the province for at least one year.
- Applicants in C or D level occupations must have already been working for the same employer issuing the job offer for at least one year prior to application.
- Score a minimum of 50 points on a selection grid.
- Employers also have to show a proof of the fact that they were unable to find a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada who could perform the job in question.
- The employers must be able to assure that the job will abide bt provincial wage and employment standards.