Choosing the Right School

Selecting the appropriate school is crucial in getting the appropriate and adequate education. Canada is a country with ten different provinces and three territories. Needless to say, it has a wide range of schools available. Amidst all this, choosing one school is like looking for a needle in a haystack. But the key to finding the correct school for you is to first decide the career line you want to get into or the program you want to pursue. Doing so will narrow down your choices quite an extent.

You can use a website like where you have to enter the program you’re interested in and the application shows you the schools needed. Apart from that, you can also use the link: to find out about the programs and fees offered by different Canadian schools. Another good website that gives you not only the school’s name, program and fees but also provides you with a virtual tour of the school and information about the scholarships and awards offered is Yet another website,, provides a very convenient step-by-step approach find what best suits you and your needs.
About us
About us

The year of 2011 saw the inception of Elite Overseas Services Ltd. and it has ever since pursued tirelessly and passionately towards achieving its one and only goal: providing quick, ethical and affordable Canadian immigration. Currently headquartered in Kamloops it also has branch located in Vancouver BC for its clients’ convenience. Headed by Mr. Ashish […]

Reasons to Hire Us
Reasons to Hire Us

Your decision is just going to be simplified by a manifold. Check out the top ten reasons for hiring us for your Immigration Case

Success Rate
Success Rate

We have been delivering immigration services with a 99% success rate since 2011. Once we get your application, we don't leave it till we see it through all the immigration procedure.

Affordable for every client!
Affordable for every client!

We understand that every client does not come from an elite class. However, we do not differentiate between elite and non-elite class. We provide the best of services for affordable prices to all our clients.


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